Being prepared to deal with reporters and media coverage in an ethical and professional manner is a requirement to effective representation of your client today. We live in a time where news travels quickly across multiple platforms, where the public can comment and share and make court cases go viral, and where the description of a reporter no longer fits in a traditional box. A media strategy can be critical in litigation – particularly in high-profile cases that garner ongoing, widespread attention. While the open nature of our court system is endemic to a free and functioning society, a byproduct of that system is that cases can create a media firestorm.
At Pfeiffer Rudolf, we have handled dozens of high-profile cases that have attracted media attention. We routinely work with reporters across the country to educate and inform them about legal processes. We provide insight and clarity that can help turn a one-sided story into a balanced report that promotes justice. Reporters want to get the story right. If both sides of a case aren’t equipped and accessible to answer questions and provide information, rarely does a story reflect reality.
Dealing with the media presents ethical issues. We understand how these rules operate, and to what extent the rules enable you to zealously represent your client. Our decades of experience handling complex, high-profile cases while working with the media give us a unique ability to assist other attorneys in managing media inquiries.
Rule 1.4(a)(2) of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct requires a lawyer to “reasonably consult with the client about the means by which the client’s objectives are to be accomplished,” which can include a media plan. What do you do when the media comes calling, or should you call the media? At Pfeiffer Rudolf, we can analyze your case, discuss the needs and desires of your client, and devise a media strategy that complies with ethical obligations while prioritizing your client’s best interests. Contact us today.
225 East Worthington Avenue Suite 100
Charlotte, North Carolina 28203